Edgar Norfield – Great moments in a girl’s life #20

I have featured previously Edgar Norfield’s clever series to titillate readers of the Forties. here’s #20 which plays of Bob Hope and Bing Crosby’s colleague on the ‘Road’ movies which I suspect are all but forgotten by anyone under 30 years of age!


London Opinion February 1948, p.29

London Opinion February 1948, p.29

Edgar Norfield – Great moments in a girl’s life # 10

Another one in the series from London Opinion March 1947 p29. Notice how the shape of the woman in question is formed. A simple curve and letraset filling the form.The banker also appears to be completed in drybrush. I love the fact (or maybe it’s just me) how Norfield places the hands and in my mind I associate draughts in unpleasant places!

London Opinion 1947 Mar p29

Mark Garfitt kindly sent me this picture from a calendar from 1938 – see his comment below!!!

edgarnorfield1 edgarnorfield2 edgarnorfield3


EN = Edgar Norfield – Great moments in a girl’s life # 4

London Opinion 1946 September

The Internet is a wonderful thing. I tripped over some old London Opinions the other day and fell in love with an artist new to me .

‘EN’ He signed his work very consistently as EN but just once in a while it also said:

EN Signature

Who is this consistently good artist from the 40s?

A quick search shows my old friend Steve Holland has mentioned him in passing but more exciting is the Pathé news reel of Edgar Norfield at work

EDGAR NORFIELD (issue title – SIGN PLEASE) – British Pathe.

I have a few more by Norfield to share (including more of the series “Great moments in a girl’s life” and hope to do it more often this year, but who knows, this is a hobby after all!